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OPRA Requests

NOTICE: OPRA requests discussed on this page are only for Randolph Township Schools. Information about filing an OPRA request with Randolph Township can be found at

The Open Public Records Act

  • Expands the public's right of access to government records;

  • Sets up an administrative appeals process if access is denied;

  • Defines what records are and are not "government records" and determines whether they should be accessible to the public.

The policy behind the Open Public Records Act (OPRA) is that government records, with certain exceptions, should be readily accessible to the public for inspection, examination, and copying. While limitations on the public's right of access should be decided in the public's favor, a public agency is required to keep a citizen's personal information from public access when that access would violate the citizen's reasonable expectation of privacy.

Generally, all government records are accessible to the public except those that fall under the exceptions to public access set forth in OPRA. Examples of public records that are accessible to the public include minutes of regular public meetings, budgets, bills, vouchers, and contracts, including collective bargaining agreements, individual employment contracts, and public employee salary and overtime information.

Please complete and date the OPRA request form that can be downloaded below and deliver it by mail or in person during regular business hours to Kyle Bleeker, Randolph's Custodian of Records, at the Board of Education Offices at 25 School House Road, Randolph, NJ, by fax (973) 361-2405 or via email at

Your request is not considered filed until the Custodian of Records has received a completed request form. If you submit the request form to any other officer or employee of the Randolph Board of Education, that officer or employee may not have the authority to accept your request form on behalf of the Randolph Board of Education and your request will be directed to the appropriate custodian. The seven (7) business day response time will not commence until the proper custodian reviews the request to determine if it is complete.

Kyle Bleeker
Custodian of Records
Board of Education Offices
25 School House Road
Randolph, NJ 07869

File an OPRA Request