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College, Career, & Military Planning

Finding your Purpose

It is never too early for a student to begin exploring their future career options. Common questions a student may begin to ask are: 

  • Who am I? 

  • What am I interested in? 

  • What are my strengths? 

  • What is the definition of success? 

A great way for a student to begin answering these questions is by using Scoir to take an interest inventory called the Career Interest Inventory.  

In Scoir, students can also complete an online Character assessment called "Better Understand Yourself." Learn more about your tendencies, talents and core dimensions of your personality to help find the right career (and College).   

In Scoir, students can also complete an online Career Inventory assessment called “Finding Out About You”.  Finding the right career (and college) starts with learning more about yourself and your interests.   

Personalized Student Services

College Planning

Career & Military Information



For more information on any of these programs or if you have any questions as it relates to college, career or military planning; please contact:

Janice Higgins

College and Career Counselor

973-361-0808 ext. 6526
