Option II Physical Education
The New Jersey Department of Education allows every school district to utilize Option II as a means for students to independently design learning opportunities and demonstrate growth toward meeting and/or exceeding the standards.
The Option II application process, as well as the criteria associated with applying, may be reviewed with the Option II Coordinator or the student’s individual counselor. Once the application is completed, it will be approved by the physical education supervisor to determine if the learning standards will be satisfied through the activities and assessments listed. The Option II coordinator will review the application to be sure it is complete and will be responsible for monitoring progress. All applications will be reviewed by the building principal.
Students accepted into this alternative physical education option will report to a designated location during the assigned physical education period. Students will not be allowed to substitute another class in place of alternative physical education. The grade for Option II will either be satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Students should be aware that a satisfactory or unsatisfactory grade will not have the same positive effect on the grade point average as receiving an "A" in a physical education class.
Questions should be directed to individual school counselors, the Option II coordinator, department supervisor or building principal.