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Academic Review

High School Academic Review Placement Information 
English Language Arts and Mathematics

Academic Review is a mandatory course for general education students in ninth grade needing additional support in either math or English. Students will be placed in Academic Review for the year based on their performance in English and/or math in middle school. Academic Review is a class designed to support students in foundational skill development. Students in eighth grade take MAP assessments in English and math during the school year and will also sit for the New Jersey Student Learning Assessments (NJSLA) in the spring. In the summer, a committee of district administrators will analyze student performance data once NJSLA scores are released to schools. Identified students will be recommended by the committee for enrollment in either Academic Review English or Academic Review Math. In selecting students for either class, the committee will review student data and select students based on their meeting the criteria below. Parents will not have the ability to opt their child out of Academic Review. If there are questions about placement, please reach out to the department supervisor. Students can be placed out of Academic Review after one semester and that criteria is included below.

English Language Arts Supervisor: Brienne Valvano 
Mathematics Supervisor: Charles Thomas 

Criteria & Determining Data

Students will have the ability to exit the Academic Skills program after the first semester based on the following criteria: a fall and/or winter MAP score exceeding the 50th percentile in terms of academic achievement and the recommendation of the teacher based on a review of first and second marking period performance. Students that exit the program will be enrolled in a semester elective class. Selected students can also opt to stay in Academic Skills for the second semester if they desire to do so.